Agency Plans and Policies
If you are interested in reviewing our entire ACOP Plan, please call for an appointment to come in and review it.
The following is the Table of Contents.
Chapter 1: Statement of Policies and Objectives
A. Introduction
B. Housing Authority Mission Statement
C. Local Goals
D. Purpose of the Plan
E. Administrative Fee Reserve
F. Rules and Regulations
G. Terminology
H. Fair Housing Policy
I. Reasonable Accommodations Policy
J. Translation of Documents
K. Management Assessment Objectives
L. Records for Monitoring PHA Performance
M. Privacy Act Rights
N. Family Outreach
O. Owner Outreach
Chapter 2: Eligibility for Admission
A. Introduction
B. Eligibility Factors
C. Family Composition
D. Income Limitations
E. Mandatory Social Security Numbers
F. Citizenship / Eligible Immigration Status
G. Other Criteria for Admissions
H. Resident Screening
I. Changes in Eligibility Prior to Effective Date of the Contract
J. Ineligible Families
K. Prohibited Admissions Criteria
Chapter 3: Applying for Admission
A. Introduction
B. Overview of the Application Taking Process
C. Opening / Closing of Application Taking
D. "Initial" Application Procedures
E. Applicant Status While on Waiting List
F. Time of Selection
G. Completion of a Full Application
H. Verification
I. Final Determination and Notification of Eligibility
Chapter 4: Establishing Preferences and Maintaining the Waiting List
A. Introduction
B. Waiting List
C. Special Admissions
D. Waiting List Preferences
E. Local Preferences
F. Income Targeting
G. Initial Determination of Local Preference Qualification
H. Exceptions for Special Admissions
I. Targeted Funding
J. Preference and Income Targeting Eligibility
K. Order of Selection
L. Final Verification of Preferences
M. Preference Denial
N. Removal From Waiting List and Purging
Chapter 5: Subsidy Standards
A. Introduction
B. Determining Family Unit (Voucher) Size
C. Exceptions to Subsidy Standards
D. Unit Size Selected
Chapter 6: Factors Related to Total Tenant Payment and Family Share Determination
A. Introduction
B. Income and Allowance
C. Disallowance of Earned Income From Rent Determination for Persons With Disabilities
D. Minimum Rent
E. Definition of Temporarily / Permanently Absent
F. Averaging Income
G. Minimum Income
H. Income of Person Permanently Confined to Nursing Home
I. Regular Contributions and Gifts
J. Alimony and Child Support
K. Lump-Sum Receipts
L. Contributions to Retirement Funds - Assets
M. Assets Disposed of for Less Than Fair Market Value
N. Child Care Expenses
O. Medical Expenses
P. Proration of Assistance for "Mixed" Families
Q. Reduction of Benefits
R. Utility Allowance and Utility Reimbursement Payments
Chapter 7: Verification Procedures
A. Introduction
B. Methods of Verification and Time Allowed
C. Release of Information
D. Computer Matching
E. Items to Be Verified
F. Verification of Income
G. Income From Assets
H. Verification of Assets
I. Verification of Allowable Deductions From Income
J. Verifying Non-Financial Factors
K. Verification of Waiting List Preferences
Chapter 8: Voucher Issuance and Briefings
A. Introduction
B. Issuance of Vouchers
C. Briefing Types and Required Attendance
D. Encouraging Participation in Areas Without Low Income or Minority Concentration
E. Assistance to Families Who Claim Discrimination
F. Security Deposit Requirements
G. Term of Voucher
H. Voucher Issuance Determination for Split Households
I. Remaining Member of Tenant Family - Retention of Voucher
Chapter 9: Request for Tenancy Approval and Contract Execution
A. Introduction
B. Request for Tenancy Approval
C. Eligible Types of Housing
D. Lease Review
E. Separate Agreements
F. Initial Inspections
G. Rent Limitations
H. Disapproval of Proposed Rent
I. Information to Owners
J. Owner Disapproval
K. Change in Total Tenant Payment (TTP) Prior to HAP Effective Date
L. Contract Execution Process
M. Change in Ownership
Chapter 10: Housing Quality Standards and Inspections
A. Introduction
B. Guidelines / Types of Inspections
C. Initial HQS Inspection
D. Annual HQS Inspections
E. Special Complaint Inspections
F. Quality Control Inspections
G. Acceptability Criteria and Exceptions to HWS
H. Emergency Repair Items
I. Consequences if Owner is Responsible
J. Determination of Responsibility
K. Consequences if Family is Responsible
Chapter 11: Owner Rents, Rent Reasonableness, and Payment Standards
A. Introduction
B. Rent to Owner in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
C. Making Payment to Owners
D. Rent Reasonableness Determinations
E. Exception Payment Standards
F. Owner Payment in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Chapter 12: Re-Certifications
A. Introduction
B. Annual Activities
C. Annual Re-Certification / Re-Examination
D. Reporting Interim Changes
E. Other Interim Reporting Issues
F. Income Changes Resulting from Welfare Program Requirements
G. Notification of Results of Re-Certifications
H. Timely Reporting of Changes in Income
I. Changes in Voucher Size as a Result of Family Composition Changes
J. Continuance of Assistance for "Mixed" Families
K. Misrepresentation of Family Circumstances
Chapter 13: Moves With Continued Assistance/Portability
A. Introduction
B. Allowable Moves
C. Restrictions on Moves
D. Procedures for Moves
E. Portability
F. Outgoing Portability
G. Incoming Portability
Chapter 14: Contract Terminations
A. Introduction
B. Contract Termination
C. Termination by Family: Moves
D. Termination of Tenancy by the Owner: Evictions
E. Terminations of the Contract by NWGHA
Chapter 15: Denial or Terminations of Assistance
A. Introduction
B. Grounds for Denial / Termination
C. One-Strike Policy
D. Family Obligations
E. Procedures for Non-Citizens
F. Zero ($0) Assistance Tenancies
G. Option to Terminate for Misrepresentations
H. Misrepresentation in Collusion With Owner
I. Misses Appointment and Deadlines
Chapter 16: Owner Disapproval and Restriction
A. Introduction
B. Disapproval of Owner
C. Owner Restrictions and Penalties
D. Change in Ownership
Chapter 17: Owner of Family Debts to the NWGHA
A. Introduction
B. Payment Agreement for Families
C. Debts to Misrepresentation / Non-Reporting of Information
D. Guidelines for Payment Agreements
E. Owner Debts to the NWGHA
F. Writing Off Debts
Chapter 18: Complaints and Appeals
A. Introduction
B. Complaints to the NWGHA
C. Preferences Denials
D. Informal Hearing Procedures
E. Hearing and Appeal Provisions for "Restrictions On Assistance to Non-Citizens"
F. Mitigating Circumstances for Applicants / Participants with Disabilities
Chapter 19: Special Housing Types
A. Introduction
B. Single Room Occupancy
C. Congregate Housing
D. Group Homes
E. Shared Housing
F. Cooperative Housing
G. Manufactured Homes
H. Homeownership Option
Home Ownership Option
Project-Based Voucher Addendum
Program Integrity Addendum